Plants that begin with H
Flowers by color:
Blue Flowers Pink Flowers Purple Flowers Orange Flowers Red Flowers Salmon Flowers Yellow Flowers White Flowers
An alphabetical listing of Plants that start with H.

Habranthus brachyandrus * Rain Lily
Habranthus robustus Russell Manning * Russell Manning Rain Lily
Haemanthus albiflos * White Paintbrush
Hakea laurina * Pincushion Bush
Hakonechloa macra aureola * Golden Japanese Forest Grass
Halimiocistus wintonensis
Halimium calycinum * Yellow Rockrose
Hamelia patens * Firebush
Hebe Silver Beads
Hedychium coronarium * White Ginger, Butterfly Ginger
Hedychium gardnerianum * Kahili Ginger
Hedychium gardnerianum Tara * Tara Ginger
Hedychium greenii * Scarlet Ginger
Helianthemum Belgravia Rose * Dark Pink Sunrose
Helianthemum Brunette * Orange Sunrose
Helianthemum Rose Glory * Medium Pink Sunrose
Helianthemum scoparium * California Native Sunrose, Peak Rushrose
Helianthemum Saint Marys * White Sunrose
Helianthemum Stoplight * Red Sunrose
Helianthemum Wisley Pink * Pale Pink Sunrose
Helianthemum Wisley Primrose * Yellow Sunrose
Helichrysum petiolare * Licorice Plant
Helichrysum petiolare Limelight * Limelight Licorice Plant
Helictotrichon sempervirens * Blue Oat Grass
Heliotropium arborescens * Heliotrope
Heliotropium arborescens alba * White Heliotrope
Heliotropium Black Beauty * Black Beauty Heliotrope
Heliotropium curassavicum * Salt Heliotrope
Heliotropium curassavicum * Salt Heliotrope
Helleborus argutifolius * Corsican Hellebore, Holly Leaved Hellebore
Helleborus orientalis * Lenten Rose
Hemerocallis Stella de Oro * Dwarf Yellow Daylily
Hesperaloe parviflora * Red Yucca
Hesperaloe parviflora Brakelights * Brakelights Red Yucca
Hesperaloe parviflora Yellow * Yellow Red Yucca
Hesperocallis undulata * Desert Lily
Heteromeles arbutifolia * Toyon
Heuchera Canyon Duet * Canyon Duet Coral Bells
Heuchera Firefly * Firefly Coral Bells
Heuchera maxima * Island Alum Root
Heuchera micrantha diversifolia Palace Purple * Palace Purple Coral Bells
Heuchera Rosada * Rosada Coral Bells
Heuchera rubescens Yosemite * Yosemite Alumroot, Pink Alumroot
Heuchera Santa Ana Cardinal * Santa Ana Cardinal Coral Bells
Heuchera villosa Kassandra * Kassandra Coral Bells
Heuchera Wendy * Wendy Coral Bells
Heucherella Bridget Bloom Bridget Bloom Foam Flower
Hibbertia scandens * Guinea Gold Vine
Hibiscus lasiocarpos (H. californicus) * Wooly Rose Mallow
Hibiscus sabdariffa * Roselle
Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne D'Arc * Double White Rose of Sharon
Hibiscus syriacus Lavender Chiffon * Lavender Chiffon Rose of Sharon
Hibiscus syriacus Minerva * Minerva Rose of Sharon
Hippeastrum papilio * Amaryllis papilio, Butterfly Amaryllis
Hippeastrum Red Lion * Red Lion Amyrillis
Hippeastrum Red White * Red White Amaryllis
Holodiscus discolor * Cream Bush
Homeria collina * Cape Tulip
Homeria flaccida * One Leaf Cape Tulip
Howea forsteriana * Kentia Palm, Paradise Palm, Sentry Palm
Hoya carnosa * Wax Vine
Hunnemannia fumariifolia * Mexican Tulip Poppy
Hyacinthoides hispanica * Spanish Bluebell, Wood Hyacinth
Hydrangea quercifolia * Oak Leaf Hydrangea
Hydrangea quercifolia Alison * Large Oak Leaf Hydrangea
Hydrangea quercifolia Sikes Dwarf * Dwarf Oak Leaf Hydrangea
Hydrangea serrata * Lace Hydrangea, Mountain Hydrangea, Tea of Heaven
Hymenosporum flavum * Sweet Shade
Hypoestes aristata * Ribbon Bush
Hyptis emoryi Silver Lining * Silver Lining Desert Lavender