Heuchera Wendy - Wendy Coral Bells
Heuchera Wendy is spectacular in bloom with sprays of pink flowers Spring into Summer. The flower stalks are 18 inches tall. The 1 inch round leaves are all at the base. Heuchera Wendy slowly spreads to form a clump a foot or more in diameter. Heuchera Wendy is a Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden introduction. Wendy Coral Bells is the result of a cross between Heuchera maxima and Heuchera sanguinea. Heuchera Wendy does best in a shaded garden. While Heuchera Wendy can hunker down through a drought once established, semi-regular water will make for a much better looking plant. Heuchera Wendy is Winter hardy into the low teens.
Pink flowers and foliage of Heuchera Wendy - Wendy Coral Bells. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants from the Heuchera Genus featured on this site:
Heuchera Canyon Duet
Heuchera Firefly
Heuchera Kassandra
Heuchera maxima
Heuchera Palace Purple
Heuchera Rosada
Heuchera Santa Ana Cardinal
Heuchera Wendy
Heuchera Yosemite
Other California Native plants that grow in the same part of the garden from our Wildflower List
Clarkia unguiculata
Collinsia heterophylla
Collinsia tinctoria
Dodecatheon clevelandii
Paeonia californica
Pholistoma auritum
Salvia spathacea
Silene laciniata
Sisyrinchium bellum