Heuchera rubescens Yosemite - Yosemite Alumroot, Pink Alumroot
Heuchera rubescens Yosemite grows in full sun to light shade near the coast and in full shade for inland gardens. In the wild I have usually seen the Heucheras in shady north facing slope areas and in misty waterfall zones Yosemite Alumroot is true to this growing in shaded seeps and rock crevices. I have grown Heuchera rubescens Yosemite in the garden in dry shady conditions and they are on my list of dry shade favorites. Heuchera rubescens Yosemite will need periodic deep watering to look good through the summer and regular deadheading. The species varies from pink to white flowers, Heuchera rubescens Yosemite has pale pink flowers that are a Hummingbird Favorite. Heuchera rubescens Yosemite has rounded green leaves that reach a few inches off the ground, flowers grow to a foot or more high. Heuchera rubescens Yosemite is native to the Yellow Pine Forest community in the Sierra's
Pale pink flowers of Heuchera rubescens Yosemite - Yosemite Alumroot, Pink Alumroot. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants from the Heuchera Genus featured on this site:
Heuchera Canyon Duet
Heuchera Firefly
Heuchera Kassandra
Heuchera maxima
Heuchera Palace Purple
Heuchera Rosada
Heuchera Santa Ana Cardinal
Heuchera Wendy
Heuchera Yosemite
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