Helianthemum nummularium Belgravia Rose - Pink Sunrose
Helianthemum Belgravia Rose and the rest of these European rockrose relatives make a bold statement in the spring and often again in the Fall. Each pink flower may only be an inch across and may only last a day or two but the plants produce so many of them that the planta are covered in blooms for several months. The grey varieties of the Sunrose group including Helianthemum Belgravia Rose, grow best in full sun. They do poorly with traffic, the dogs made a mess of this one, but Helianthemum Belgravia Rose will shine if put in the right location. I have not seen the Belgravia Rose Sunrose damaged due to cold weather and have watched them weather temperatures into the mid teens. Sloped or well drained soils are a must for Helianthemum Belgravia Rose
Pink flowers and foliage of Helianthemum Belgravia Rose - Pink Sunrose. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Pink flowers and foliage of Helianthemum Belgravia Rose - Pink Sunrose.
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