Hydrangea quercifolia Alison * Oak Leaf Hydrangea
Hydrangea quercifolia Alison is notable for being the biggest or at least one of the biggest Oak Leaf Hydrangea varieties growing to 10-12 feet when well tended. Hydrangea quercifolia Alison can sport white flower spikes of a foot or more late in the Spring and into Summer. Hydrangea quercifolia Alison will do best with some irrigation though it will get by with almost none in all but the dryest gardens. Hydrangea quercifolia Alison is a good match for the Coast Live Oak because the water needs are compatable. Hydrangea quercifolia Alison has great fall foliage color, sporting reddened leaves before going dormant. Hydrangea quercifolia Alison is Winter hardy to zone 5
Spray of white flowers of Hydrangea quercifolia Alison - Oak Leaf Hydrangea. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
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Hydrangea quercifolia
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