Hedychium coronarium - White Ginger, Butterfly Ginger
Hedychium coronarium has beautiful fragrant white flowers with a pale yellow center during the late Summer and into Fall. Each White Ginger flower stalk produces flowers for a couple of weeks. After flowering the stalks of the Butterfly Ginger die and new stalks are produced further down the growing rhizome. Hedychium coronarium grows well in full sun near the coast but requires a shady spot for inland gardens. Hedychium coronarium does best with regular moisture. White Ginger plants tend to flop when conditions become too dry. Hedychium coronarium is pretty cold hardy often coming back from 10° F. Hedychium coronarium grows to 5 feet tall. Rhizomatous roots will allow the White Ginger to spread several inches with each new stalk. Cutting back sections of roots with stalks of the Butterfly Ginger allows the plant to be contained and produces new Hedychium coronarium starts for friends or other parts of the garden.
White Flowers with yellow centers - Hedychium coronarium - White Ginger, Butterfly Ginger. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
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