Penstemon Husker Red
Penstemon Husker Red is also sometimes sold as Penstemon cobaea. The foliage of Penstemon Husker Red is red, the flowers white. The foliage is even more red when grown in full sun. Penstemon Husker Red will gradually make a clump that is a couple of feet across. Penstemon Husker Red requires a moderate amount of water. It has entire basal leaves. Penstemon Husker Red blooms from spring to early summer. If the spent blossoms are removed Penstemon Husker Red may bloom a second time. Penstemon Husker Red attracts the Variable Checkerspot and is a potential larval food source for the Common Buckeye Butterfly and could be a nice addition to your butterfly garden.
Red foliage and white flowers of Penstemon Husker Red.
Other Penstemons featured on this site:
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The closely related Keckiella cordifolia is appropriate for this list as well