Calochortus kennedyi ~ Desert Mariposa Lily
Calochortus kennedyi is native to the pinyon juniper woodland and into the creosote and joshua tree desert between 2000 and 7000 feet. In cultivation Calochortus kennedyi requires good drainage and a dry Summer. In a good rainfall year Calochortus kennedyi can nearly carpet a local landscape with clumps of fiery red flowers. Twisted leaves, classic purple and orange clashing colors all in one flower, Calochortus kennedyi is a specimen amongst specimens. It is a sad kind of funny but California's native bulbs are used in landscapes more elsewhere than here.
More Bulbs for a California Garden
Twisted leaves and flowers of Calochortus kennedyi the Desert Mariposa Lily. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Many Calochortus kennedyi flowers sprouting from gravel under a large chunk of basalt in the Owens Valley.
A thin layer of clay on top of shale is enough for these Calochortus kennedyi bulbs on a slope in Lockwood Valley.
Plants in the genus Calochortus featured on this site:
Calochortus albus * Fairy Lily, White Globe Lily, Satin Bells
Calochortus catalinae * Catalina Mariposa Lily
Calochortus clavatus clavatus * Club Hair Mariposa Lily
Calochortus clavatus pallidus * Club Hair Mariposa Lily
Calochortus fimbriatus * Late Blooming Mariposa Lily
Calochortus invenustus * Plain Mariposa Lily
Calochortus kennedyi * Desert Mariposa Lily
Calochortus leichtlinii * Smokey Mariposa Lily
Calochortus minimus * Sierra Mariposa Lily
Calochortus monophyllus * Yellow Star Tulip
Calochortus nuttallii * Sego Lily
Calochortus plummerae * Plummer's Mariposa Lily
Calochortus venustus * Butterfly Mariposa Lily