Sisyrinchium bellum Rocky Point - Rocky Point Blue Eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium Rocky Point is a compact floriferous sellection of the Blue Eyed Grass. Sisyrinchium Rocky Point will grow to 6" or so in full sun and up to 8" in lightly shaded area. The blue flowers of Sisyrinchium Rocky Point fade as they age to a much paler shade. I think this adds to the interest and charm of this plant. Compared to the species, Sisyrinchium Rocky Point has a shorter summer dormancy and with good conditions can look ok most of the year and spectacular during its blooming seasons. Sisyrinchium Rocky Point is quite drought tolerant once established, though it will look better in the garden with semi-regular irrigation. Sisyrinchium Rocky Point is Winter hardy to the low teens.
Blue flowers of Sisyrinchium bellum Rocky Point - Rocky Point Blue Eyed Grass. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants in the genus Sisyrinchium featured on this site:
Sisyrinchium bellum * Blue Eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium bellum Rocky Point * Rocky Point Blue Eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium californicum * Yellow Eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium striatum * Satin Flower, Rush Lily
Sisyrinchium Aunt May * Variegated Satin Flower