Sisyrinchium bellum - Blue Eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium bellum does quite well in forgotten nooks and crannies. Blue Eyed Grass can take a little overspray but not a regularly irrigated patch. Sisyrinchium bellum typically grows to about 6-8" tall and will show off its blue flowers in the spring and sporadically through the rest of the year. The Blue Eyed Grass will often naturalize and can add whimsy or a natural touch to a landscape, showing up in cracks and on path margins. It seems that the odds that Sisyrinchium bellum will end up in a new place in the garden is higher than having the blue eyed grass stay where it was originally planted.
Purple-blue flowers of Sisyrinchium bellum - Blue Eyed Grass. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Purple-blue flowers of Sisyrinchium bellum - Blue Eyed Grass. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants that grow in the same part of the garden - from our Wildflower List
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Sisyrinchium bellum