Dryopteris arguta ~ Coastal Wood Fern
Dryopteris arguta grows in woodland zones throughout the state. The Coastal Wood Fern grows to 2-3 feet. Dryopteris arguta can be found on shady North facing slopes and in the shade of trees generally in the Summer dry zone well above any flowing water. Dryopteris arguta spreads by underground runners. Sporangia are the structures that hold the spores for ferns. They collect a raindrop and the spores germinate withing that drop of water. The Coastal Wood Fern has finely divided leaflets, the fronds arranged in a rosette.
Finely divided leaves of Dryopteris arguta - Coastal Wood Fern. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Sporangia on the back side of the leaves of Dryopteris arguta - Coastal Wood Fern. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
California Native Ferns and Fern Allies featured on this site:
Adiantum aleuticum * Five Fingered Fern, Western Maidenhair Fern
Adiantum capillus veneris * Maidenhair Fern
Adiantum jordanii * California Maidenhair Fern
Adiantum pedatum * Five Fingered Fern, Western Maidenhair Fern
Dryopteris arguta * Coastal Wood Fern
Equisetum telmateia braunii * Giant Horsetail
Myriopteris covillei * Coville's Lip Fern
Pellaea andromedifolia * Coffee Fern
Pentagramma triangularis * Goldback Fern
Polypodium californicum * California Polypody
Polypodium scouleri * Leathery Polypody
Pteridium aquilinum * Bracken Fern
Woodwardia fimbriata * Giant Chain Fern