Cistus skanbergii * Pink Rockrose
Cistus skanbergii has been a regular plant in my landscapes. I use this Rockrose because it blooms prolifically with delicate pink flowers in the Spring. The Pink Rockrose thrives on little water and it is the only rockrose that blooms repeatedly for me. I get a smattering of flowers all summer and fall, as well as the massive spring bloom that can almost completely cover the plants in pink. I have grown Cistus skanbergii in all kinds of soils from boggy to well drained. It gets about 4' tall and in time can get 6-8' or more across. I often shear them back after blooming to keep them in check. I love the 1.5" crinkly pastel pink flowers. When photographing the flowers, they look their best in the morning.
Flowers and foliage of Cistus skanbergii - Pink Rockrose. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
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