Cistus Grayswood Pink ~ Grayswood Pink Rockrose
Cistus Grayswood Pink is small for a Rockrose growing to 3 feet tall and 4 wide. The leaves are bicolored, greener on top and grayer on the bottom. Cistus Grayswood Pink produces 3" pink flowers with white centers mid to late Spring in our area, later as you go north. Cistus Grayswood Pink is drought tolerant and prefers decent drainage. You can achieve this in heavier soils by planting the top of the rootball aboved the surrounding grade or on a slope. Cistus Graywood Pink and other rockroses respond poorly to hard pruning. I try to leave green leaves below where I trim. Hedge trimmers often leave bare zones that never recover so I prefer to prune by hand. Cistus Grayswood Pink is a hybrid with Cistus parviflorus and Cistus sintenisii. Cistus Grayswood Pink is Winter hardy to below 0°F.
Flowers and variegated foliage of Cistus Grayswood Pink Grayswood Pink Rockrose. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
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