Cistus salviifolius * Sageleaf Rockrose
I grow Cistus salviifolius in situations where I want low groundcover in harsh conditions. The Sageleaf Rockrose will withstand drought, heavy soils and my dogs too. I appreciate the heavy spring bloom of white flowers too. The abundant flowers of Cistus salviifolius contrast well with the dark green leaves. At times in early Spring you can hardly see the leaves for all of the flowers. Cistus salviifolius will get 2-3 feet tall by 6-8 feet wide. The Sageleaf Rockrose is hardy into the low teens or single digits..
Flowers of Cistus salviifolius the Sageleaf Rockrose with a Syrphid, Hoverfly. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Flowers and foliage of Cistus salviifolius - Sageleaf Rockrose.
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