Phacelia campanularia - Desert Bluebell, California Bluebell
Phacelia campanularia is native to the interior regions of Southern California and into Arizona. The Desert Bluebell is a long blooming annual beginning to bloom as early as February and continuing through the Spring as long as the weather holds. Phacelia campanularia grows to about a foot tall and at least as wide. The reliable Desert Bluebell is a good addition to the wildflower mix. Phacelia campanularia is often used in roadside revegetation mixes. Perhaps it would be a better choice to use Phacelia parryi in more coastal gardens and projects but you would have to say these blue flowers are pretty spectacular. Wildflower seed in our area is best scattered with the first of the rains in the Fall.
of Phacelia campanularia - Desert Bluebell. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants from the Genus Phacelia featured on this site:
Phacelia campanularia
Phacelia cicutaria
Phacelia ciliata
Phacelia crenulata
Phacelia distans
Phacelia grandiflora
Phacelia parryi
Phacelia ramosissima
Phacelia tanacetifolia
Phacelia viscida