Encelia farinosa ~ Brittlebush
Encelia farinosa is easily grown in the garden. The white leaves of the Brittlebush stand out in the garden almost as much as the yellow flowers. The foliage is quite fragrant, historically the dried sap was used as incense. Encelia farinosa readily hybridizes with Encelia californica when the two plants are nearby. Brittlebush grows to 3-4 feet tall and wide. Encelia farinosa grows well in full sun on reasonably drained soil. Encelia farinosa is native to the Southern California deserts up to an elevation of 3500 feet. Encelia farinosa is often used in hydroseeding mixes. Butterflies are attracted to the flowers, a Blue is feeding in this picture. Birds like the seeds. Encelia farinosa blooms from late Spring through Fall. Encelia farinosa is garden hardy to temperatures in the low 20's and will likely survive brief cold snaps at lower temperatures. Encelia farinosa attracts the Monarch, Common Buckeye, Painted Lady, Cloudless Sulfur, White Checkered Skipper, Northern White Skipper, California Common Ringlet, Mormon Metalmark, Great Purple Hairstreak, Giant Swallowtail, and Spring Azure Butterflies.
Yellow flowers of Encelia farinosa - Brittlebush. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants in the Encelia genus featured on this site:
Encelia californica
Encelia californica El Dorado
Encelia californica Paleo Yellow
Encelia farinosa
Encelia ventorum