Argyranthemum Chelsea Girl ~ Silver Marguerite
The Silver Marguerite daisy will produce great cut flowers just as well as its better known cousins Spring through Fall. I think of Argyranthemum Chelsea Girl as a plant it if you dare kind of plant from a maintenance standpoint. They are beautiful, but you have signed yourself up for a lot of work to keep them at their best. Call it floral blasphemy but I use Argyranthemum Chelsea Girl in the landscape primarily for the finely textured gray leaves, not so much for the white flowers, regardless of their beauty. Argyranthemum Chelsea Girl grows to 4' x 4' and is hardy into the mid 20°s F. The Silver Marguerite is a great plant to mix with the lavenders with their contrasting flowers. Argyranthemum Chelsea Girl is a fine addition to the Butterfly Garden attracting the California Dogface, Clouldless Sulfur, Common Buckeye, Mormon Metalmark, California Common Ringlet, White Checkered Skipper, Northern White Skipper, Achillea Apple Blossom * Apple Blossom Yarrow
Great Purple Hairstreak, and Painted Lady Butterflies. The common name of Paris Daisy is also applied to the Argyranthemum/Marguerite group. Argyranthemum Chelsea Girl is a full sun plant at the coast and will appreciate a little shade if you garden approaches desert conditions. There are a wide range of Marguerite cultivars with foliage ranging from white to silver, and flowers pink to yellow to white. The common name of Paris Daisy is also applied to the Argyranthemum/Marguerite group.
Flowers and foliage of Argyranthemum Chelsea Girl the Silver Marguerite.
Plants in the Chrysanthemum and Marguerite group of daisies featured on this site:
Anthemis tinctoria * Dyer's Chamomile, Golden Marguerite
Argyranthemum Chelsea Girl - Silver foliage, white flowers
Argyranthemum Madeira Cherry Red - Green foliage, pink to red flowers
Argyranthemum Silver Lady - Green foliage, white flowers
Leucanthemum superbum - Shasta Daisy - Green foliage, white flowers