Leucanthemum superbum ~ Shasta Daisy
Leucanthemum superbum the Shasta Daisy is a long time garden favorite. This white flowered fragrant daisy with exceptionally large flowers until recently was considered a Chrysanthemum. The foliage grows 6" to a foot tall, the flowers typically grow to 2 feet or more. Flowering starts in late Spring and if the spent flowers are removed plants can be blooming well into Fall. After more than 100 years since Luther Burbank first introduced the Shasta Daisy a number of cultivars with interesting petal arrangements are often available. Leucanthemum superbum makes a slowly expanding clump each year. The Shasta Daisy will do best in a well watered garden with well prepared soil. If you visit an old garden that has been let go for years Leucanthemum superbum is often a survivor, holding out in a shaded nook. Under these dire conditions don't expect flowering except in the peak of their season and they flower much better in the sunny part of the garden. Leucanthemum superbum is a great choice for attracting butterflies to your garden. The Painted Lady, White Checkered Skipper, Northern White Skipper, Mormon Metalmark, Great Purple Hairstreak, and Gray Hairstreak butterflies will use Leucanthemum superbum as a nectar resource. These tough daisies will take Winters in zone 5. Leucanthemum superbum spreads via surface rhizomes and is easily divided in the Fall or early Spring months.
White ray flowers contrasting with yellow cone flowers of Leucanthemum superbum - Shasta Daisy. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.