Achillea tomentosa * Woolly Yarrow
The fuzzy gray green leaves of Achillea tomentosa are great to walk on. They feel good between the toes. The bright yellow flowers hold for a long time. The fragrant foliage is about 2" tall and gradually spreads in width over the years. The flowers grow on stalks up to 2" tall. I often use the Wooly Yarrow as a groundcover between stepping stones. Where there is foot traffic the leaves of Achillea tomentosa get a little smaller. Achillea tomentosa is a nectar source for the Checkerspot Butterfly species and the Painted Lady Butterfly, Mormon Metalmark, California Common Ringlet, Northern White Skipper, and the White Checkered Skipper and is a great addition to the butterfly garden.
Side view Flowers and foliage of Achillea tomentosa the Woolly Yarrow. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Top View flowers and foliage of Achillea tomentosa the Woolly Yarrow, lenscap for scale.
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Achillea tomentosa * Woolly Yarrow