Achillea tomentosa * Woolly Yarrow
The fuzzy gray green leaves of Achillea tomentosa are great to walk on. They feel good between the toes. The bright yellow flowers hold for a long time. The fragrant foliage is about 2" tall and gradually spreads in width over the years. The flowers grow on stalks up to 2" tall. I often use the Wooly Yarrow as a groundcover between stepping stones. Where there is foot traffic the leaves of Achillea tomentosa get a little smaller. Achillea tomentosa is a nectar source for the Checkerspot Butterfly species and the Painted Lady Butterfly, Mormon Metalmark, California Common Ringlet, Northern White Skipper, and the White Checkered Skipper and is a great addition to the butterfly garden.
A list of the Yarrow's featured on this site:
Achillea Apple Blossom * Apple Blossom Yarrow
Achillea Cerise Queen * Cerise Queen Yarrow
Achillea clavennae * Silver Yarrow
Achillea Desert Paprika * Desert Paprika Yarrow
Achillea filipendulina Coronation Gold * Coronation Gold Yarrow
Achillea Hoffnung * Hoffnung Yarrow
Achillea kellereri * Keller's Yarrow
Achillea lanulosa * Mountain Yarrow
Achillea Moonshine * Moonshine Yarrow
Achillea Paprika * Paprika Yarrow
Achillea Pomegranate * Pomegranate Yarrow
Achillea ptarmica * Pearl Yarrow
Achillea Salmon Beauty * Salmon Beauty Yarrow
Achillea Sonoma Coast * Sonoma Coast Yarrow
Achillea Terracotta Terracotta Yarrow
Achillea The Beacon * The Beacon Yarrow
Achillea tomentosa * Woolly Yarrow