Achillea kellereri * Keller's Yarrow
Narrow finely divided leaves of Achillea kellereri make the plant interesting even when it is not blooming. Achillea kellereri is a little stronger in the garden than Achillea clavennae which is similar in its uses. The difference is in the width and texture of the leaves. The leaves are broader in A. clavinnae and closer to the ground. The fragrant foliage is about 4-6" tall and gradually expands in width over the years. Keller's Yarrow white flowers grow on stalks up to 8" tall. A summer repeat bloom can be encouraged by deadheading the fading flowers. I have used them in the landscape much as one would use the gray fescue, Festuca ovina. Because they stay where they are planted they are good for using where a geometric spacing is required. Achillea kellereri is a nectar source for the Checkerspot Butterfly and the Painted Lady Butterfly, Northern White Skipper, Mormon Metalmark, California Common Ringlet, Great Purple Hairstreak, and the White Checkered Skipper and is a great addition to your butterfly garden.
White flowers and grey leaves of Achillea kellereri, Keller's Yarrow.
A list of the Yarrow's featured on this site:
Achillea Apple Blossom * Apple Blossom Yarrow
Achillea Cerise Queen * Cerise Queen Yarrow
Achillea clavennae * Silver Yarrow
Achillea Desert Paprika * Desert Paprika Yarrow
Achillea filipendulina Coronation Gold * Coronation Gold Yarrow
Achillea Hoffnung * Hoffnung Yarrow
Achillea kellereri * Keller's Yarrow
Achillea lanulosa * Mountain Yarrow
Achillea Moonshine * Moonshine Yarrow
Achillea Paprika * Paprika Yarrow
Achillea Pomegranate * Pomegranate Yarrow
Achillea ptarmica * Pearl Yarrow
Achillea Salmon Beauty * Salmon Beauty Yarrow
Achillea Sonoma Coast * Sonoma Coast Yarrow
Achillea Terracotta Terracotta Yarrow
Achillea The Beacon * The Beacon Yarrow
Achillea tomentosa * Woolly Yarrow