Acacia cognata ~ River Wattle
Acacia cognata is a small to middle sized graceful weeping tree that grows to about 15 feet. Acacia cognata has creamy yellow flowers in the late spring and early summer. The River Wattle can tolerate frost into the 20's and periods of drought. But will do well with some Summer water. Acacia cognata is a great tree for making a screen or informal hedge. I consider this a good small weeping willow substitute. There does seem to be a limit as to how long it can stand in soggy soil so Acacia cognata should not be planted in a bog. There is a dwarf version that has been making the rounds Acacia Cousin Itt. I have most often seen it growing in a pot 2-3 feet tall and wide.
Acacia cognata, the River Wattle, a small weeping tree.
Plants from the Acacia Genus featured on this site:
Acacia baileyana purpurea * Purple Fernleaf Wattle
Acacia boormanii Snowy River Wattle
Acacia chinchillensis * Chinchilla Wattle
Acacia cognata * River Wattle
Acacia Cousin Itt * Little River Wattle
Acacia covenyi * Blue Bush
Acacia cultriformis * Knifeleaf Wattle, Knife Wattle, Dogtooth Wattle
Acacia dealbata * Silver Wattle
Acacia glaucoptera * Flat Wattle, Clay Wattle
Acacia iteaphylla * Willow Wattle, Flinders Range Wattle
Acacia podalyriifolia * Pearl Acacia
Acacia pravissima * Oven's Wattle
Acacia spectabilis * Mudgee Wattle
Acacia stenophylla * Shoestring Acacia
Acacia vestita * Hairy Wattle