Pelargonium sidoides - Silverleaf Geranium
Pelargonium sidoides has felty gray leaves that glisten with the dew on them and deep burgundy red flowers. Pelargonium sidoides is almost always in bloom and fits in well with lavenders and grasses. I often place Pelargonium sidoides in the front of a border because it can be depended upon to put on a show and to stay put. Pelargonium sidoides can even make an interesting bonsai. The Silverleaf Geranium tends to have an interesting branching structure and the leaves will get very small if it is stressed. Pelargonium sidoides has survived Winter temperatures into the mid teens but is often taken to the ground in the mid 20°s. There is a pink form in the marketplace, Pelargonium sidoides gloriana. I believe this more likely to be a closely related species Pelargonium reneforme. The white flowered Pelargonium fragrans is easily used in the same garden conditions.
Dark magenta purple flowers of Pelargonium sidoides - Silverleaf Geranium. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants from the Geranium Genus featured on this site:
Geranium Ballerina
Geranium Biokovo
Geranium harveyi
Geranium incanum
Geranium Johnson's Blue
Geranium Lawrence Flatman
Geramium macrorrhizum album
Geranium maderense
Geranium Mavis Simpson
Geranium Orion
Geranium renardii
Geranium richardsonii
Geranium Rozanne
Geranium sanguinium striatum
Geranium sessiliforum nigricans
Geranium Stanhoe
Geranium wallichianum Buxton's Blue
Geranium plants from the Genus Pelargonium featured on this site:
Pelargonium capitatum Attar of Roses * Rose Scented Geranium
Pelargonium cordifolium * Heartleaf Geranium
Pelargonium fragrans * Nutmeg Geranium
Pelargonium graveolens * Rose Geranium
Pelargonium ionidiflorum Celery Scented Geranium
Pelargonium quercifolium * Oak Leaf Geranium
Pelargonium reneforme * Silverleaf Geranium
Pelargonium sidoides * Silverleaf Geranium
Pelargonium tomentosum * Peppermint Scented Geranium