Solanum xanti Mountain Pride - Mountain Pride Purple Nightshade
Solanum xanti Mountain Pride is a medium sized shrub with purple flowers and gray leaves. The Mountain Pride Purple Nightshade grows 2 feet tall and wide. Solanum xanti Mountain Pride blooms with clusters of purple flowers from late Summer into Mid Spring. Solanum xanti Mountain Pride is native to the Coastal Plain and Caparral communities of California. Solanum xanti Mountain Pride is tolerant of heavy soil and will grow well in full sun to light shade. Though drought tolerant Solanum xanti grows more in the bottoms of canyons rather than the tops of the ridges and will be helped by monsoonal rain or suplimental water. Solanum xanti Mountain Pride is Winter hardy to 15-20°F.
Purple flowers and gray foliage of Solanum xanti Mountain Pride - Mountain Pride Purple Nightshade. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Purple flowers and gray foliage of Solanum xanti Mountain Pride - Mountain Pride Purple Nightshade. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants in the Solanum genus featured on this site:
Solanum hindsianum * Hind's Nightshade, Sonoran Nightshade, Mariola
Solanum jasminoides * Potato Vine
Solanum umbelliferum * Blue Witch Nightshade
Solanum wendlandii * Giant Potato Creeper, Divorce Vine
Solanum xanti Mountain Pride * Mountain Pride Purple Nightshade