Solanum wendlandii - Giant Potato Creeper, Divorce Vine
Solanum wendlandii catches the eye for its large, 1.5" purple flowers, that are reminiscent of the fading purple flowers of Yesterday Today and Tomorrow. The Giant Potato Creeper can grow to 15 feet. Solanum wendlandii is native to Costa Rica and no surprise prefers moist tropical conditions. The Giant Potato Creeper blooms in full sun to light shade. Solanum wendlandii is Winter hardy into the upper to mid 20°s F but will likely go Winter deciduous in all but the warmest of California gardens.
Multiple shades of purple in these flowers - Solanum wendlandii - Giant Potato Creeper, Divorce Vine. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants in the Solanum genus featured on this site:
Solanum hindsianum * Hind's Nightshade, Sonoran Nightshade, Mariola
Solanum jasminoides * Potato Vine
Solanum umbelliferum * Blue Witch Nightshade
Solanum wendlandii * Giant Potato Creeper, Divorce Vine
Solanum xanti Mountain Pride * Mountain Pride Purple Nightshade