Grevillea paniculata - Spider Flower
Grevillea paniculata is happy when planted in full sun all of the way into moderate shade. Grevillea paniculata is a midsized shrub growing 4-6 feet tall and 8-10 feet wide. Grevillea paniculata blooms Winter into Spring. The Spider Flower is white, the leaves are spine tipped. Grevillea paniculata can be used as a hedge or screen or even large scale groundcover. Grevillea paniculata is widly tolerant of garden conditions. Grevillea paniculata grows well in full sun and does decently even with a fair amount of shade. Grevillea paniculata is drought tolerant once established. Grevillea paniculata is a great addition to the Hummingbird Garden. Grevillea paniculata is Winter hardy into the mid-teens or below.
White flowers and fine foliage of Grevillea paniculata - Spider Flower. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants from the Grevillea genus featured on this site:
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Grevillea paniculata
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