Grevillea juniperina Molonglo
Grevillea juniperina Molonglo is a low growing shrub typically two feet tall and up to 10 feet across. Grevillea juniperina Molonglo has narrow pointed green leaves and showy yellow flowers. Grevillea Magic Lantern blooms from early Spring Fall through Fall. Grevillea juniperina Molonglo does best with well drained soil and a sunny spot in the garden. Grevillea juniperina Molonglo requires a minimal amount of irrigation once established. Grevillea juniperina Molonglo is one of the more winter hardy Grevilleas surviving to 10° F or less.
Yellow flowers and narrow green leaves of Grevillea juniperina Molonglo. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Other Low Growing Grevillea plants include . . .
Grevillea alpina
Grevillea Coastal Gem
Plants from the Grevillea genus featured on this site:
Grevillea alpina
Grevillea Bonfire
Grevillea Coastal Gem
Grevillea Gilt Dragon
Grevillea juniperina Molonglo
Grevillea Kings Rainbow
Grevillea Long John
Grevillea Magic Lantern
Grevillea Moonlight
Grevillea noellii
Grevillea paniculata
Grevillea Peaches and Cream
Grevillea Pink Pearl
Grevillea Poorinda Blondie
Grevillea Red Hooks
Grevillea robusta
Grevillea Robyn Gordon
Grevillea Ruby Clusters
Grevillea Scarlet Sprite
Grevillea victoriae
Grevillea White Wings