Grevillea noellii - Noel's Grevillea
Grevillea noellii is happy when planted in full sun all of the way into moderate shade. Noel's Grevillea has been around for a long time. Grevillea noellii is one of the plants I always keep when I am restoring a garden. Grevillea noellii is so versitile surviving deep cold and blazing heat. Grevillea noellii grows to 6 feet tall and wide. Noel's Grevillea is very drought tolerant, usually capable of far harsher conditions than our California Gardens dish out. Plant Grevillea noellii on a slope or a mound. The leaves are a little prickley so plant Grevillea noellii back from a pathway. Grevillea noellii is a near constant bloomer with its white and pink flowers. Grevillea noellii is a great addition to the Hummingbird Garden.
Foliage and flowers of Grevillea noellii - Noel's Grevillea. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants from the Grevillea genus featured on this site:
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Grevillea Bonfire
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Grevillea noellii
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