Erigeron Wayne Roderick * Seaside Daisy
Erigeron Wayne Roderick is one of my favorite plants. For all of the aspects that you might think of as a Native Plant, you might have to say this Erigeron is different. The leaves are a lush green and it flowers all the time except possibly the depths of winter. Erigeron Wayne Roderick flowers has lavender blue flowers with yellow centers. It is tolerant of abuse. My dog scratched off every living bit above the soil line looking for a place to lie where it was cool. Erigeron Wayne Roderick came back, and many of the pieces that were dug out rooted and are now growing in other parts of the yard. It is ruggedly drought tolerant once established. The flowers of Erigeron Wayne Roderick are a food source for the Painted Lady Butterfly, California Dogface Butterfly, Cloudless Sulfur, Common Buckeye, Gray Hairstreak, Hedgerow Hairstreak, Great Purple Hairstreak, White Checkered Skipper, Northern White Skipper, California Common Ringlet, Mormon Metalmark, Giant Swallowtail, and the White Lined Sphinx Moth, and is a great addition to the butterfly garden.
Blue flowers of Erigeron Wayne Roderick - Seaside Daisy. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Other plants from the Erigeron Genus featured on this site:
Erigeron argentatus
Erigeron blochmaniae * Blochman's Erigeron
Erigeron foliosus foliosus
Erigeron glaucus Cape Sebastian
Erigeron glaucus Bountiful
Erigeron glaucus Sea Breeze
Erigeron glaucus White Lights
Erigeron karviskianus
Erigeron speciosus