Alstroemeria Salmon ~ Salmon Peruvian Lily
Alstroemeria Salmon is a lively sort of pastel, not quite calming, but I guess you wouldn't expect that from a Peruvian Lily. The Salmon Peruvian Lily cultivar typically grows from 2-4 feet. Alstroemeria Salmon will steadily spread by underground rhizomes. I plan on a 4-6" advance each season, but that can vary somewhat by water availability, or a kept in check by a timely division or two. Alstroemeria plants are quite drought tolerant, dropping their foliage if times get too tough. The Salmon Flowers are great as cut flowers and will be steadily produced from Spring through Fall with even a modest amount of irrigation. The magenta purple variety will hold its foliage in the garden the longest in the Winter, Alstroemeria Salmon will likely go dormant when temperatures drop into the mid 20's, plants are root hardy to the mid teens. The Peruvian lilies have been hybridized extensively. There are a number of beautiful colors offered in the marketplace. Many are named more are not. The colors range from purple, to red, to yellow, and some even have green markings. The varieties that have a lot of yellow are often more likely to be dormant during the winter. All of the Alstroemeria species make excellent long lasting cut flowers.
Flowers and foliage of Alstroemeria Salmon the Salmon Peruvian Lily. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Flowers and foliage of Alstroemeria Salmon the Salmon Peruvian Lily. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection. More Alstroemeria ligtu hybrids.
Flowers and foliage of Alstroemeria Salmon the Salmon Peruvian Lily. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection. More Alstroemeria ligtu hybrids.
Plants in the genus Alstroemeria featured on this site:
Alstroemeria Eliane Orange
Alstroemeria Flame
Alstroemeria Inca Ice
Alstroemeria Indian Summer
Alstroemeria ligtu
Alstroemeria psittacina
Alstroemeria Salmon
Alstroemeria Sussex Gold