Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids ~ Peruvian Lily
I use the Ligtu Hybrid group of Alstroemeria's extensively because it holds well as a cut flower and blooms freely with little or no care. And with only a moderate amount of care it dresses up well. Magenta pink flowers have a place in the garden. These are the Bougainvillea of the perennial bed. The markings on the interior petals fascinate me and probably the insects and birds that pollinate the Chilean Lily as well. The stalks are 18-32" tall. The plant seeds out regularly and runs a bit. That said, this cultivar group is reasonably easy to keep in check, unlike some of its relatives. Alstroemeria is sensitive to over watering but can grow in well drained or heavy soils so long as they don't become waterlogged. In cold weather areas it goes dormant, near the coast it is evergreen or nearly so.
Flowers of Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Ligtu Hybrids ... These are pretty awsome and I can vouch for them, there are a lot more names/cultivars out there be concerned about height and flopping, or put plants for support or a hogwire grid to keep taller varieties vertical.
Alstroemeria Flame
Alstroemeria Inca Ice
Alstroemeria Indian Summer
Alstroemeria ligtu
Alstroemeria Salmon
Alstroemeria Sussex Gold
Plants in the genus Alstroemeria featured on this site:
Alstroemeria Eliane Orange
Alstroemeria Flame
Alstroemeria Inca Ice
Alstroemeria Indian Summer
Alstroemeria ligtu
Alstroemeria psittacina
Alstroemeria Salmon
Alstroemeria Sussex Gold