Abutilon hybridum Pink * Pink Chinese Lantern
The leaves on this pink variety of Abutilon are about twice the size of the other Abutilon's and much less hairy. This shrubby Abutilon can get quite large. I have spent considerable amounts of time chopping the Pink Abutilon back to stay within 10 foot by 10 foot space when it thinks it is happy. They can be damaged by frost in below 20° F. Hummingbirds feed from the Chinese Lantern flowers by reaching in between the sepals and petals to seek out the nectaries.
Plants in the Abutilon genus featured on this site:
Abutilon Mango Cheesecake
Abutilon Moonchimes
Abutilon Nabob
Abutilon palmeri
Abutilon Peach
Abutilon Pink
Abutilon Red
Abutilon Seashell