Abutilon palmeri - Indian Mallow
Abutilon palmeri grows 4-5 feet tall and wide. Indian Mallow will tolerate heavy soils if on a slope or when kept very much on the dry side. Abutilon palmeri is native to the low desert in California. Given a little irrigation Abutilon palmeri will bloom for much of the Spring and Summer and may have a smattering of yellow flowers at almost any time. Abutilon palmeri is frost tender with damage on branch tips starting around 25° F. Indian Mallow will sprout back if temperatures get somewhat lower but it takes a while for the plants to recover. If drought stressed Abutilon palmeri will drop its leaves. Abutilon palmeri will hold its own in the hummingbird garden and butterfly garden.
High resolution photos of Abutilon palmeri are part of our garden image collection.
Plants in the Abutilon genus featured on this site:
Abutilon Mango Cheesecake
Abutilon Moonchimes
Abutilon Nabob
Abutilon palmeri
Abutilon Peach
Abutilon Pink
Abutilon Red
Abutilon Seashell