Rhus integrifolia - Lemonade Berry
California native plants don't often come with dark glossy green leaves and a full profile. Rhus integrifolia gets to 4-5 feet tall and can spread to 15 or more feet across. Lemonade Berry grows on the slopes in the first half mile from the coast. The berries can be steeped in water to make a lemon flavored drink. I like to use Rhus integrifolia for the foliage but the pink flowers put on quite a show as well. Lemonade Berry performs fairly well as a loosely trimmed hedge. The leaves last a long time showing hedge trimmer scars if this tool is used. Rhus integrifolia grows quite well in the shade of oaks and needs no additional water in the Coastal area. Honeybees love the early flowers from Winter into Spring.
Pink flowers and rugged green foliage of Rhus integrifolia - Lemonade Berry. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Pink flowers and foliage of Rhus integrifolia - Lemonade Berry.