Scabiosa cretica - Balaeric Pincushion Flower
Scabiosa cretica has soft gray foliage and large blue pincushion flowers. Scabiosa cretica foliage grows to 12-18" tall, and typically spreads wider than tall. The blue flowers are held 6" above the foliage and the large dried seedpods are almost as interesting as the flowers. Scabiosa cretica blooms in late Spring into early Summer, longer if the spent blooms are removed. Scabiosa cretica does well in poor soil and is quite drought tolerant once established. Scabiosa cretica will put up with good soil but is sensitive to over-watering, particularly during the warmer months. Plants are hardy into the mid-20°s F and likely below. The Painted Lady, Gray Hairstreak, Variable Checkerspot Gulf Frittilary, White Checkered Skipper, and Western Tiger Swallowtail will drop by for a sip of nectar if they are around.
Blue flowers and gray foliage of Scabiosa cretica - Balaeric Pincushion Flower. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
The plants in the Scabiosa genus featured on this site:
Scabiosa atropurpurea Black Knight * Black Knight Pincushion Flower
Scabiosa atropurpurea Royal Ruby * Royal Ruby Pincushion Flower
Scabiosa caucasica Fama Deep Blue * Deep Blue Pincushion Flower
Scabiosa causasica Perfecta Blue * Perfecta Blue Pincushion Flower
Scabiosa columbaria Butterfly Blue * Butterfly Blue Pincushion Flower
Scabiosa columbaria Pink Mist * Pink Mist Pinchushion Flower
Scabisoa cretica * Balaeric Pincushion Flower
Scabiosa farinosa * Dwarf Pincushion Flower
Scabiosa ochroleuca * Yellow Pincushion Flower