Lotus scoparius, Acmispon glaber - Deerweed
Lotus scoparius, Deerweed, is a fire follower and grows in disturbed areas through the coast ranges and sierra foothills of California. Lotus scoparius is the old name Acmispon glaber the new, but in the nursery trade it seems that the old name is mostly being used. Lotus scoparius grows to about 2 feet tall and wide. In the wild Lotus scoparius can cover whole hillsides with plants intertwined. Lotus scoparius generally grows on South and South trending slopes on a variety of soils. Lotus scoparius has yellow flowers Spring into Summer, the flowers fade to red as they age. Lotus scoparius, Deerweed is a native Butterfly Garden resource and is a food source for the Acmon Blue, the Marine Blue, the Spring Azure and other Blue's, the Orange Sulfur, Cloudless Sulfur and other Sulfur's, and the Mournful Duskywing. Lotus scoparius, Deerweed is Winter hardy to 0° F.
An Acmon Blue Butterfly rests and sips nectar from the yellow flowers of - Lotus scoparius - Otay Mountain Lotus. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants in the Lotus genus featured on this site:
Lotus crassifolius otayensis, Hosaka crassifolia * Otay Mountain Lotus
Lotus maculatus * Parrot's Beak
Lotus scoparius, Acmisphon glaber * Deerweed