Justicia carnea - Brazilian Plume Plant
The first time I saw Justicia carnea I couldn't believe where it was growing. The Brazilian Plume Plant was growing on the North side of a house where the temperatures regularly got into the mid teens. And it was not being watered. To have a plant that puts on color like this with hardly any care. And with looks this tropical, this is a great plant for our area. The Brazilian Plume Plant has showy pink flowers Spring through Fall. Justicia carnea is on my shortest of short lists. Justicia carnea will have trouble if it gets too much water or tries to exist on clay soils in an irrigated yard. The Justicia carnea Huntington Form is more compact and has purple on the undersides of the leaves and on the flower bracts.
Hot pink flowers and foliage of Justicia carnea - Brazilian Plume Plant. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Other plants from the Justicia Genus featured on this site:
Justicia aurea
Justicia californica
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