Euphorbia myrsinites - Myrtle Spurge, Donkeytail Spurge, Creeping Spurge
I think Euphorbia myrsinites looks like it is really some kind of an alien or underwater creature. Euphorbia myrsinites sends out multiple tendrils like a sea anemone with it arms reaching along on the ground and then in mid-winter it rises up 6-8" and puts on blooms with the most interesting architecture. Lime yellow flowers bloom Spring through Fall. Euphorbia myrsinites has more than a passing resemblence to the Burro's Tail Sedum. Hence the appropriate common name Donkeytail Spurge. In mass plantings or borders Euphorbia myrsinites will look like it belongs underwater. In some ways this makes Euphorbia myrsinites perfect for the drought tolerant garden that wants to look tropical. Meandering snakelike branches trail towards the sun like little medusas. The plants have only lived for two seasons in my yard but seedlings replace them in abundance. The sap of Euphorbia myrsinites and many other Euphorbia's can cause severe skin irritation in some people, including me, so care should be taken when handling the plants.In some areas Euphorbia myrsinites has become a pest. A little research before planting would be appropriate to make sure that Euphorbia myrsinites has not become a problem plant in your area.
Lime green flowers and silver foliage of Euphorbia myrsinites known as Myrtle Spurge, Donkeytail Spurge or Creeping Spurge. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants from the Euphorbia Genus featured on this site:
Euphorbia amygdaloides robbiae * Wood Spurge
Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow * Martin's Spurge
Euphorbia Blackbird * Blackbird Spurge
Euphorbia characias wulfenii * Mediterrenean Spurge
Euphorbia cotinifolia * Caribbean Copper Plant
Euphorbia cyathophora * Fire on the Mountain, Painted Leaf
Euphorbia leucodendron * Cat Tails Euphorbia
Euphorbia mammillaris variegata * Variegated Indian Corn Cob
Euphorbia milii * Crown of Thorns
Euphorbia myrsinites * Myrtle Spurge
Euphorbia Royal Velvet * Royal Velvet Spurge
Euphorbia Tasmanian Tiger * Tasmanian Tiger Variegated Spurge
Euphorbia tirucalli Sticks on Fire * Red Pencil Tree
Euphorbia xanti * Baja Spurge