Euphorbia martinii Ascot Rainbow - Martin's Spurge
Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow has an interesting combination with the gold and pale gray/green variegated leaves and seasonal pink on the new foliage during cool weather in the Spring and Fall. Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow has yellow flowers with red centers in the Spring. Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow is drought tolerant and will grow well in full sun to light shade. Good drainage is required. Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow grow to 18-24" tall and wide. Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow plants are hardy into the single digits. Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow plants are often short lived perennials, lasting 2 or 3 seasons. Many folks are allergic to Euphorbia sap, care should be taken to keep it off your skin.
Multicolored foliage of Euphorbia martinii Ascot Rainbow - Martin's Spurge. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants from the Euphorbia Genus featured on this site:
Euphorbia amygdaloides robbiae * Wood Spurge
Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow * Martin's Spurge
Euphorbia Blackbird * Blackbird Spurge
Euphorbia characias wulfenii * Mediterrenean Spurge
Euphorbia cotinifolia * Caribbean Copper Plant
Euphorbia cyathophora * Fire on the Mountain, Painted Leaf
Euphorbia leucodendron * Cat Tails Euphorbia
Euphorbia mammillaris variegata * Variegated Indian Corn Cob
Euphorbia milii * Crown of Thorns
Euphorbia myrsinites * Myrtle Spurge
Euphorbia Royal Velvet * Royal Velvet Spurge
Euphorbia Tasmanian Tiger * Tasmanian Tiger Variegated Spurge
Euphorbia tirucalli Sticks on Fire * Red Pencil Tree
Euphorbia xanti * Baja Spurge