Caryopteris incana ~ Blue Beard
Caryopteris incana can be used in many of the same situations that you would use a lavender. I like to slip some in when too much lavender has been used already and a different plant would catch the eye. Caryopteris incana is almost soft, yet woody enough at the base to be a shrub. When the temperatures dipped into the teens it died back. The dark blue flowers of Caryopteris incana will stand out in any late summer garden.
Flowers and foliage of Caryopteris incana Blue Beard. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants from the genus Caryopteris featured on this site:
Caryopteris clandonensis Korball * Blue Balloon
Caryopteris incana * Bluebeard
Caryopteris Longwood Blue