Arctotis acaulis Torch Purple * Torch Purple African Daisy
Arctotis Torch Purple may be "just" a glorified gazania, and it is in a closely related genus. But this South African native puts on a great show, particularly if the time is taken to strip off the dead flowers. While tedious deadheading might be an appropriate thought if too many have been planted, if reason is used at planting time Arctotis acaulis torch purple is well worth the effort and the deadheading dramatically extends the blooming period significantly. There will be a wealth of 2" purple flowers from early spring through hard frost. Arctotis Torch Purple is hardy into the mid teens if it hardens off slowly enough. Other colors of Arctotis are more tender and often spread more than is appropriate for a perennial garden. I use Arctotis Torch Purple frequently but keep my plant count for any one garden on a strict budget. The Painted Lady Butterfly Northern White Skipper, Great Purple Hairstreak, California Common Ringlet, and the White Checkered Skipper use Arctotis Torch Purple and other plants in the Aster family as pollen sources. Arctotis Torch Purplie is a fine addition to the Butterfly Garden.
Flowers and foliage of Arctotis acaulis Torch Purple the Torch Purple African Daisy. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Flowers and foliage of Arctotis acaulis Torch Purple the Torch Purple African Daisy.
Other African Daisies from our list include:
Arctotis gumbletonii
Arctotis Opera Rose
Arctotis Pink Sugar
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Arctotis Sun Spot Orange