Arctotis Pink Sugar ~ Pink Sugar African Daisy
Arctotis Pink Sugar is one of a series of compact African Daisys. The primary blooming period is late Winter into Spring. Deadheading will extend this period significantly. These African Daisys are drought tolerant, though they do better with a little summer water. And the Arctotis Pink Sugar is pretty hardy when temperatures drop into the mid to low 20°s F. Our Winter cold snap burned off the flowers in coastal and inland locations. Arctotis will bloom better in the full sun but will put on a reasonable amount of color even in a lightly shaded planter. Arctotis Pink Sugar attracts the Painted Lady Butterfly Northern White Skipper, Mormon Metalmark, California Common Ringlet, Great Purple Hairstreak, and the White Checkered Skipper and is a fine addition to the Butterfly Garden
Flowers and foliage of Arctotis Pink Sugar the Pink Sugar African Daisy. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Other African Daisies from our list include:
Arctotis acaulis Torch Purple
Arctotis gumbletonii
Arctotis Opera Rose
Arctotis stoechadifolia
Arcotis Sun Spot Orange