Aloe principis
Aloe principis can form a large mound up to 6 feet tall or more and at least as wide. Aloe principis is a naturally occuring hybrid of Aloe ferox. Aloe principis blooms late Fall through Winter with dark red fading to yellow flowers. Red Flowers - Yellow Flowers There are a number of forms of this Aloe on the market with some have flowers that stay all red. The flower stalks are multibranched and stand up to 2 feet above the grey-green foliage. Aloe principis is very drought tolerant and requires little if any supplimental water in coastal gardens. If planted in clay soil Aloe principis should be planted on a mound or slope to insure drainage. Aloe principis is Winter hardy into the mid to high 20°s F
Flowers and foliage of Aloe principis. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants in the Genus Aloe featured on this site:
Aloe arborescens * Torch Aloe
Aloe brevifolia * Short Leaved Aloe
Aloe cameronii * Red Aloe
Aloe candelabrum * Cape Aloe
Aloe petricola * Stone Aloe
Aloe plicatilis * Fan Aloe
Aloe principis
Aloe sinkatana