Salvia Purple Majesty
Salvia Purple Majesty is a cultivar brought into the trade from the Huntington Gardens in San Marino. The lush green foliage contrasts well with the dark calyx's and rich purple blooms. Salvia Purple Majesty will grow 4-5 feet tall. This sage will survive winter temperatures that dip into the low 20°s F and with a robust mulching the roots might come back from far worse. Truth be told Salvia Purple Majesty would really prefer a warmer climate. Salvia Purple Majesty is a great addition to the Hummingbird Garden as well as the Butterfly Garden. Salvia Purple Majesty is a Salia guaranitica hybrid, the other parent is Salvia gesneriiflora. Salvia Argentine Skys is pale blue, Salvia Costa Rica Blue is deep blue.
High resolution photos of Salvia Purple Majesty are part of our garden image collection.
High resolution photos of Salvia Purple Majesty are part of our garden image collection.
Flowers and foliage of Salvia Purple Majesty.