Salvia guaranitica Argentine Skies * Anise Scented Sage
Salvia guaranitica Argentine Skys is a weaker growing sage than the other Salvia guaranitica cultivars that I have grown. It is the blue flower color makes Salvia guaranitica Argentine Skies worth all of the trouble though. It is a beautiful sky blue and usually in bloom. Salvia Argentine Skies spreads slowly by underground runners. The plant gets 2.5 to 3 feet tall. Salvia guaranitica Argentine Skies is susceptible to frost and will die back to the ground in the mid 20°s F. The plants were burnt to the ground by frost and came back with great vigor in the early spring. I was ecstatic. Now I cut them back to the ground in warmer climes as well. Salvia Argentine Skies responds well and the bugs and disease problems are significantly reduced. Other Salvia guaranitica hybrids include Salvia Costa Rica Blue and Salvia Purple Majesty
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