Salvia guaranitica Costa Rica Blue * Anise Scented Sage
I have put Salvia Costa Rica Blue in full sun near the coast but it really prefers the shade even there. Salvia Costa Rica Blue likes plenty of organic material for the soil and plenty of water. It is truly tropical in the look that it provides. Salvia Costa Rica Blue has survived into the low 20°'s but it was not a happy camper. The Anise Scented Sage really thrives during the warm months in the inland valleys if you can hide it from the winter cold. Find the right place for Salvia Costa Rica Blue and you will be hard pressed to find a more spectacular plant in your garden from Spring through Fall. Other Salvia guaranitica hybrids include Salvia Argentine Skies and Salvia Purple Majesty. The long blooming season with slender deep blue flowers makes Salvia Costa Rica Blue a great addition to the Hummingbird Garden as well as the Butterfly Garden.
High resolution photos of the flowers of Salvia guaranitica Costa Rica Blue are part of our garden image collection.
High resolution photos of flowers and foliage of Salvia guaranitica Costa Rica Blue.