Vitex trifolia purpurea - Arabian Lilac
Vitex trifolia purpurea works well as a specimen plant with its distinctive foliage color. The tops of the leaves are green and the bottoms purple. The leaves are sharply angled at the mid-rib so the purple and green contrasts nicely. Vitex trifolia purpurea leaves are fragrant. Arabian Lilac's blue flowers are blooming Spring, Summer into Fall. Vitex trifolia purpurea grows at a moderate pace to form a 8 x 8 foot shrub. Vitex trifolia purpurea is quite drought tolerant once established. Arabian Lilac plants are hardy into the low 20's and are hard pruned by Winter below 25° F. Vitex trifolia purpurea grows well in full sun to partial shade.
Lower side of leaves is purple, so are flowers - Vitex trifolia purpurea - Arabian Lilac. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants in the genus Vitex featured on this site:
Vitex agnus castus * Chaste Tree
Vitex rotundifolia * Beach Vitex, Round Leaf Vitex
Vitex trifolia purpurea * Arabian Lilac