Quercus berberidifolia - Scrub Oak
Quercus berberidifolia grows to be a small tree, an excellent attribute for many smaller gardens. The Scrub Oak often tops out at a dozen feet tall, in harsh conditions often consderably less. Quercus berberidifolia is easily shaped and can be quite sculptural. I like using these small trees as a miniature forest. Quercus berberidifolia is found below the elevations that heavy snowfall typically occurs. Quercus berberidifolia is exceptionally drought tolerant and is often found in areas where drying winds and south exposure stress lesser plants quite a lot. Quercus berberidifolia is a host for the Hedgerow Hairstreak, Mournful Duskywing butterflies and the Western Tussock Moth Caterpillar.
Acorns and foliage of Quercus berberidifolia - Scrub Oak. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
The other oaks featured on this site:
Quercus agrifolia * Coast Live Oak
Quercus douglasii * Blue Oak
Quercus durata * Leather Oak
Quercus garryana * Oregon White Oak, Garry Oak
Quercus john-tuckeri * Tucker's Oak
Quercus kelloggii * Maple Leafed Oak
Quercus lobata * Valley Oak
Quercus muehlenbergii * Chinkapin Oak