Magnolia stellata - Star Magnolia
Magnolia stellata can look like a dense cloud of white blossoms atop a trunk. Most years I have a white moment in my garden. It is early in the season when the Clematis armandii and the Plumcot are blooming with the paper white narcissus. I love those plants that produce flowers for me at a time of year when little else will. Late February is one of those times. Even the scent of the Magnolia stellata foliage makes this a joy to trim. Unfortunately Magnolia stellata grows so slowly that this task is too rarely required. The Magnolia stellata petals fall in a carpet of white, so under-planting with a low groundcover can allow this end of the season delight to be enjoyed as well. White is a great color to draw the eye to the farthest reaches of the landscape.
Magnolia stellata Royal Star blooms a couple of weeks after the species often avoiding frost damage to the flowers. Double white flowers and blooming before the leaves start make this Star Magnolia a standout.
Magnolia stellata Waterlily blooms a couple of weeks after the species. The Waterlily cultivar has more tepals (petals) than the species and the flowers are a little bit bigger. The later bloom time may help in deep winter country but will make little difference here. A December or January heat wave will start the bloom cycle, even if a hard frost will knock all of those beautiful flowers off. Best to site Magnolia stellata Waterlily away from reflective walls or rocks that might encourage an early bloom.
White flowers and dew covered foliage of Magnolia stellata - Star Magnolia. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
More tepals, looks like petals, later blooming Magnolia stellata Royal Star - Royal Star, Star Magnolia. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
More tepals, looks like petals, later blooming Magnolia stellata Waterlily - Waterlily Star Magnolia. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants from the genus Magnolia featured on this site:
Magnolia Butterflies
Magnolia dianica
Magnolia liliiflora nigra
Magnolia soulangiana Alexandrina
Magnolia soulangiana Brozzonii
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Magnolia stellata
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