Lewisia brachycalyx - Short Sepaled Bitterroot
Lewisia brachycalyx, the Short Sepaled Bitterroot is native to the mountain meadows of the Western US and Baja. There is a limited population in the mountains of San Bernadino and San Diego Counties. Lewisia brachycalyx grows in moist meadows in full sun to partial shade. Lewisia brachycalyx blooms from late Winter through the Spring with pale pink to white flowers often with pink stripes, with 5-9 petals. Lewisia brachycalyx has oblanceolate leaves and grows to about 4" tall.
Pale pink striped flowers and foliage of Lewisia rediviva - Short Sepaled Bitterroot. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Plants from the genus Lewisia featured on this site:
Lewisia brachycalyx * Short Sepaled Bitterroot
Lewisia cotyledon Elise * Elise Cliff Maids
Lewisia cotyledon Little Plum * Little Plum Cliff Maids
Lewisia rediviva * Bitterroot