Leucadendron Safari Sunset - Safari Sunset Cone Bush
Leucadendron Safari Sunset grows rather slowly to 10 feet tall and nearly as wide. Leucadendron Safari Sunset starts blooming in Winter and continues well into Spring. The colorful deep red bracts can last much longer. Leucadendron Safari Sunset requires decent drainage, either by planting on a slope or on a mound raised above the surrounding soil for any but the best drained gardens. Leucadendron Safari Sunset grows best in Full Sun. The plants will grow in partial shade but the blooms don't color up very well. Leucadendron Safari Sunset will tolerate Winter temperatures that dip into the low 20°s F and even into the high teens for short durations, though temperatures this cold usually makes for quite a bit of tip damage.
Red leaves of Leucadendron Safari Sunset - Safari Sunset Cone Bush. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.
Other plants from the genus Leucadendron featured on this site:
Leucadendron discolor
Leucadendron Ebony
Leucadendron Jester
Leucadendron Safari Goldstrike
Leucadendron Silvan Red